Computer Support Tip: How to fix Windows (Vista, 7 or 8) Update Error Code 0x80070003 or 0x80070002

This article will provide you a short and quick solution if you are struggling with the Windows error 0x80070003 or 0x80070002. The error usually crops up when you attempt to run Windows Updates on PCs installed with Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8. Error 0x80070002 or 0x80070003 occurs when your Windows computer has wrong date or time settings. The errors can also pop in if your system’s Windows Updates temporary folder has got corrupted. This article covers three computer support troubleshooting methods that will help you in quickly fixing the issue.

Error Code: {Update failed Error(s) found: Code 80070003 Windows Update ran into a problem}

Computer Support Troubleshooting Method 1: Correct the date and time settings

Wrong date and time settings may be a cause that leads to this error. Thus, your first and basic tech support tip for fixing this error is to check and confirm that your computer's date and time are correct.

To do that, perform the following steps:

  • On the lower right corner of your system’s screen, you can see the date and time.
  • Click on “Date and Time” to expand the window.
  • Here, click on the lower link “Change date and time settings.”
  • Here, you can check if the date and time are right.
  • If the “Date and Time” settings are not right, then you need to correct the date/time/year on your computer.
  • As soon as, you finish modifying the settings, click on “Change time zone.”
  • Now, confirm that your PC has the proper time zone.
  • Finally, restart your computer.
  • Now, try running Windows Updates once again.
  • If the problem prevails, then proceed to the next tech support method to fix this error.

Computer Support Troubleshooting Method 2:  Delete Windows Update Installation Files

Step 1: Stop Windows Update Service

First you need to pause the Windows Update service, for doing that perform the following steps:

  • Press ‘Windows key + R’ Simultaneously.
  • That will open the Run command box.
  • Inside the Run command box type: ‘services.msc.' command.
  • Then, hit ‘Enter.’
  • Now, look for ‘Windows Update’ service.
  • Then, right-click on it.
  • Now, select ‘Stop.’

Step 2: Rename Windows Update Folder

Next, you need to rename the Windows Update folder on your PC. For doing that, perform the following steps:

  • Open ‘My Computer.'
  • Then, navigate to ‘C:\Windows’ folder.
  • Here, look for “SoftwareDistribution” folder.
  • Right click on it, and then select ‘Rename.’
  • You can rename the ‘SoftwareDistribution’ folder to ‘OLDSoftwareDistribution’ or anything as per your convenience. After renaming you should be able to identify the folder.
  • In the next screen, UAC warning will appear.
  • Here, click on ‘YES’ and click on ‘Continue.'
  • Now, try running ‘Windows Updates’ once again. This time, most likely, you should not face any update errors.

Computer Support Troubleshooting Method 3:  Use the Microsoft Fix it 50202 Tool

Windows errors are common but, fortunately, Microsoft does release specific fixes for these errors in the form of ‘Microsoft Fix It.’ For 80070002 error, you have the ‘Microsoft Fix It 50202.’ All the ‘Microsoft Fix Its’ are available on the Microsoft’s official website. You can, download the ‘Fix It 50202’ from the website, and run it to get the error fixed. As it is the error specific ‘Fix It,’ so it certainly is the best technical support troubleshooting method for this error.


 Apart from trying out the troubleshooting methods mentioned above, you also need to keep your computer free from viruses and malware. Thus, keep your system’s antivirus and antimalware program updated and use those frequently. However, if you find difficulty in downloading and using ‘Fix It 50202,’ then you can contact a reputed online computer repair service firm and seek help from a professional technical support engineer. He can help you in getting rid of this and other Windows errors.

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