The 5 Most Common Home Inspection Findings

Real Estate

Buying a house is a huge decision that can affect you financially, physically, and emotionally. Whether a recently built estate or a modest fixer-upper, getting the lowdown on your potential home is of tantamount importance. When it comes to your home – there’s always more than meets the eye. Don’t start the buying process until you know exactly what’s going on inside the home. Although a property may look perfect at first, make sure to book a home inspection to learn the truth about the home’s condition.

Most of the time, a personal visit can tell you a lot of things about a house. But, now that technology has leveled the field, virtual real estate viewings have made things much easier. Through virtual property visits and virtual open house sessions, homebuyers have access to each and every corner of a house, so that they can see what’s worth investing money in and what can be a liability.

Most real estate transactions depend upon an acceptable home inspection to the buyers’ satisfaction. They can also depend on other inspections as well, however, these inspections are not as common as the home inspection. A qualified and experienced home inspector should find something that could be corrected, upgraded, or repaired in every home that they inspect, even newly-built ones and there are a few problems that are commonly found. Let’s see what they are.

Roof Issues

As houses age, so do roofs. Roofing issues are a very common problem in home inspections. Most asphalt shingles last between 15-40 years, so a typical roof will have its shingles replaced multiple times throughout its lifespan. If the roof has been improperly maintained, it’s more likely to be faulty. However, this is not usually a deal breaker when a home is inspected. You can simply negotiate a lower price on the home, as you will have to invest money into roof repairs or replacement.

Electrical Wiring Problems

Monitors usually find stripped wires, inappropriate associations, underpowered breakers, and uncovered wiring left over from past fixes or remodels. These issues are viewed as a well-being risk and ought to be tended to right away. This is, for the most part, an issue in more established homes. Depending upon the extent of the wiring issues, this could be a major issue after an inspection. It might be a basic fix, or require the total upgrading of the electrical framework – it truly relies upon the defects that the inspector finds within the wiring.

Loose Railings

Over time, exterior railings can become loose, which is frequently seen on decks, porches, and terraces. Nails can start to pop out, and joints come undone, which means that the railing isn’t as secure as it should be. Although this is usually an easy fix, it can be a big safety risk if not noticed. Fixing or replacing railings are common repairs that are required after home inspections and are something the inspector will look for.


Termite damage can be extensive and expensive depending upon how long the pests have been active. When you hire a home inspector, make sure you also have the home checked for termites, because this factor is often overlooked. Conditions that lead to termites taking up residence are moisture and when wood elements are in contact with the ground. Visual signs of termites can be mud tubes in the crawlspace, or in severe instances, the termites themselves. Since termites eat wooden structures they can access, treatment and replacing the affected parts can range in severity and cost.

Plumbing Problems

Plumbing problems are fairly common, and also very serious. Small visual defects like leaks, slow drains, and low water pressure can all mean really big underlying problems. Plumbing issues are costly to repair, which is why inspectors take great care in inspecting the system. Small-scale issues with plumbing systems are usually easily repaired, and unless the inspector finds that there are major defects it shouldn’t be too big of an issue. However, once in a while, inspectors find systems that are beyond repair and have to be replaced.

So, if you are buying or planning to buy a house, make sure you hire a professional home inspector to check your house for possible issues. In a perfect world, every house would be your dream home where everything is in top shape, but unfortunately, that is far from true.

At a time when virtual site visits are all the rage, it is easy to overlook certain things, but once you do plan to close the deal, getting a professional home inspector to get a second look is a must. You never know what he might find out!

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