10 Vital Tips for Long Distance Moving

10 vital tips for long distance moving

Moving is stressful but what makes it worse is the idea of moving long distance. 

But the move doesn’t have to necessarily wreak your nerves if you know how to do it right. 

Although long distance move is a more daunting task than a regular move, here are some tips that will help you overcome the moving hurdle in a hassle-free manner. 

1. Plan well in advance

The key to a successful move is advanced strategic planning. Choose an ideal moving day keeping the weather, lifestyle, and space in consideration. There must be a gap of 2-3 months from the start of planning to the moving date to ensure everything goes smoothly. Rushing through the move will bring along many regrets. Also, check if you wish to hire movers or are confident enough to handle the move. As it is a long distance move, it is advisable to calculate an estimated cost using moving calculator.  This will reduce your stress and help you to calculate how much long distance moving will cost you. 

2. Move in offseason

If you get to choose your moving date, then try to schedule it in the offseason. Summers are busy times for the moving companies and they usually charge higher during this peak season. So try to schedule your moving date in the winter, fall or spring to save yourself some money. If you can’t choose the moving season, then choose to move either on a weekday or in the middle of the month. Moving Companies usually charge a bit extra if you choose the begging/ end of the month or weekends as they are also the peak times.

3. Compare several moving companies 

If you have decided to hire a company (which is a brilliant choice) then start shortlisting companies before finalizing one. Shortlist the ones keeping your long distance move in mind. Search for the moving company who offer features like storage solutions, packaging, and insurance. Make it a point to call the shortlisted ones to get a quote. 

4. Hire a moving company who offers many services

Your half work is done if you choose the company wisely. You must hire a moving company which is reputable and offers various services at affordable rates. Such companies have trained movers and qualified drivers. They maintain their vehicles well and are fully insured. Ask the mover if they offer services which lower your price such as backloading. Also search if you get items like ropes, shrink-wraps, and blankets for free for the total rate they charge. 

5. Downsize

The weight of your items that needs to be moved decides the cost of your long distance move. Therefore, it is essential to downsize. Take the day off if you have to and go through your belongings. While you declutter; consider the things that need to be thrown away and the things that can be sold/ donated. This will make it easier for you to pack stuff and also earn a few extra bucks for your move. If you are moving a heavy object that can be bought at a cheap price at your new location, then consider selling it or donating it. Do the same with books you’re never going to read again, clothes that don’t fit, and kitchen appliances you never use. 

6. Make an inventory list

Having a list of everything you own makes it easier to check if everything has arrived at the final location after a long distance move. You can even check if anything got misplaced during the move and question your mover about it. You can either use a pen and paper or download apps for this. If you don’t know how to make one, then get it from your movers. 

7. Stay on schedule

Certain tasks are time sensitive which requires you to stay on schedule. These tasks include school enrolment and utility installation. These are the tasks that might skip your mind due to the moving stress. So keep reminders or try scheduling tasks on the calendar. 

8. Pack boxes smartly 

Packing your boxes smartly not only makes it easier to move but also easier for you to unpack them. Start packing your belongings by room; beginning from the least used room.

Use small boxes for heavy items. Get free packing boxes from liquor shops, grocery stores, pharmacies, and libraries. Use cloth like towels and bed sheets if you run out of packing material.

Zip tie your clothes to save time. stack the plates with Styrofoam plates to avoid damage during the loan distance move. Use plastic wraps to pack liquid items containing liquid. Long and thin items like jewellery and cords can be packs using toilet shrink wraps and toilet rolls to prevent tangling.

9. Label boxes 

Label each packaging box with the list of items it contains. Number the box, write the room in which the items needs to be placed, and list down all the particulars. Use colour code (coloured labels, coloured markers or coloured tapes) to identify instantly the room in which the boxes need to be placed. Label all the sides and the top of the box as well. insert the same number and the details in the inventory. 

10. Be aware of the move-in situation 

Make sure you have a parking space allotted for the moving truck right in front of your house. This will make it easier for the movers to transport your values from the house to the vehicle. If you cannot make a room, then do not be surprised when the removal company charges you extra. Make sure you ask your movers about this well in advance. Also, check the situation of the new location such as the parking space and elevator facilities. 

These are some tips which can make your long distance move a less stressful one.

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