How to Choose the Perfect Window

How to Choose the Perfect Window

Windows are arguably one of the most important aspects of your home. They let you peek at the outside world, provide beautiful natural light and entertainment when the days become rainy. But placing the windows where they need to be, plus choosing the correct type of window for your home are not easy tasks, and you really need to do a good job if you want your home to look like a million bucks. Plus, the windows should provide good insulation, minimizing the cost of heating and cooling.

The frame

The very first thing you need to consider is the type of frame you need. You don’t need to be particularly educated in construction to know that wood is a better insulator than say, aluminum because it doesn’t conduct temperature as fast as aluminum does. However, that does not mean that wood is the best choice for your house. Vinyl windows are gaining popularity nowadays, and just because they are cheap doesn’t mean that they are faulty. They are great insulators, but they aren’t aesthetically pleasing, so a lot of people avoid them. The best choice is probably a wood-clad frame. These frames combine the best of both worlds - an exterior that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance, like aluminum, and an insulating interior, like timber. INNOVIEW, from Fakro, combines both wood and aluminum to give you the best window frame for your home, no matter what the energy efficiency is. 

The glass

The window frame is usually the most important detail, but people nowadays care about the kind of glass that separates them from the outside as well. Double-paned windows are a much better choice than single-paned windows, because they offer better insulation, including lowering the noise that comes from the outside world. Casement windows have a crank that makes them open, and they are ideal for windy climates. The harder the wind blows, the tighter the seal will be. And finally, picture windows are the kind that does not open, serving as a way to let the light in, and nothing more. Triple-pane windows are a great choice for people that live in harsh climates, but they will reduce the amount of light that enters your home, and the visibility. The windows glass needs to protect you from harmful UV rays, which is why many people choose to add a protective layer on the outside glass.

The installation

Even if you bought the most efficient and best-looking window out there, they won’t perform well if they are not installed properly. There should never be a need to use a lot of expanding foam or sealants to get the window to fit right. None of these solutions are as insulating and protective as the actual window can be, and they will require much more maintenance than a properly installed window. These are the cheapest steps to window installation, but if they’re done with not as much as a second glance, the resulting water leakage and bad aesthetics will make you more than mad. Double-hung windows are the most common types on traditional homes. They are a great option for homes that are not in harsh climates. Casement windows have a crank that makes them open, and they are ideal for windy climates. The harder the wind blows, the tighter the seal will be. And finally, picture windows are the kind that does not open, serving as a way to let the light in, and nothing more. Triple-pane windows are a great choice for people that live in harsh climates, but they will reduce the amount of light that enters your home, and the visibility. The windows glass needs to protect you from harmful UV rays, which is why many people choose to add a protective layer on the outside glass.

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