Automation Testing- Leverage Your Business Growth

automation testing

Whenever we develop a software or application, it is essential to test whether the actual output is the same, as expected by the end-user. Traditionally, manual testing is done where software developers and testers needed to invest their time and effort physically. Also, the manual testers had to check every log file, errors in the database and external services, etc., and record their observations to make further improvements in the product. This was an extremely tedious task for the professionals as it was very time consuming and repetitive.  


Automated testing differs from manual testing as it is done through an automation tool and takes much less time as compared to manual testing. As Automation testing is done using automation tools, the exploratory tests are performed faster and more time is required to maintain test scripts, which improves the test coverage, overall. Automation Testing tools are best suited for large projects that require repetitive tests and have already been through the manual testing process. Start-ups, SMEs, and large enterprises should choose the best Automation Testing Services by partnering with reputed, experienced, and professional QA Testing Company that offers both Automation Testing and Manual Testing Services.


Automation Testing Tools

Automation testing tools are used to write and execute various test cases, without the need for any manual involvement, to execute an automated test suite. Generally, test cases and test scripts are written by testers using Automation testing tools and then grouped into test suites. Some of the things that can be automated using the Automation testing tools are:


  • Registration forms,
  • Login forms,
  • Place where many users access the software simultaneously,
  • GUI items
  • Database connections
  • Field validations

When software is updated with new releases, the bugs of the recent version are fixed, but it may add new bugs to the previous operational version. Manual testing is not preferred to test all the functionalities of the software, every time during the software update. Automation Testing Services play a crucial role in this case, and by choosing suitable Automation Testing tools, developers can increase the efficiency and decrease the cost and resources invested in the project. Various automation testing tools are used by developers and testers globally, depending upon the business requirements. Some of the commonly used software testing tools in Automation testing are as follows:


  • Selenium
  • HP Quick Test Professional
  • Visual Studio Test Professional
  • TestComplete
  • IBM Rational Functional Tester
  • WinRunner
  • Testing Anywhere
  • LoadRunner
  • SilkTest


Moving to Agile Methodology

A Pyramid Testing Strategy is used in the Agile methodology, where Automation Testing is done at three distinct levels.


  • Unit Testing – At the base level, where the maximum percentage of tests are done
  • Service Layer – At the middle level, where API testing is done
  • GUI Testing – At the top-most level, where GUI is tested

There are distinct strategies to perform automation testing, and testers and their teams can decide their course of action. A combination of manual testers and automated testers is most preferred, although the onus of delivering maximum outputs is on the Automation engineers. Depending upon the budget, type of application, deadlines, and the development model, testers can outline the automation testing strategy to gain the best results.


Selenium - Testing Tool for Automation Testing

Selenium is considered the most preferred automation testing tool used by developers globally. The main advantage of using Selenium is that it can be executed in multiple browsers and Operating systems, and is compatible with various programming languages and numerous frameworks of automation testing. Developers use this tool to create powerful, robust, browser-centered automation test scripts, which are scalable across diverse environments. Regression testing, exploratory testing, and reproducing of bugs promptly are also some of the benefits of using Selenium in automated testing.


So, if you are looking for the best automation testing services for your mobile apps or web application, then you should opt for the most reliable and trusted company that has developers and testers who are dextrous and well-equipped to use the latest Automation Testing strategies and tools. It will help you provide affordable, effective, and user-friendly solutions to achieve maximum ROI for your business.

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