What Causes Blocked Drains?

Blocked Drain

Blocked drains can be a headache for many homeowners. It not only creates a mess but if not mended at the right time, they can escalate the problem to a whole new level. Thus, asking for bigger repair work. So, a stitch in time will save nine. As a part of regular house upkeep and maintenance, you must know what the causes of blocked drains are and how can you overcome them. In this blog post, we will be unveiling some of them.

Causes For Blocked Drains And Solutions

1. Hairs- Really? You might be wondering how these thin strands of hair can be the cause of such a big problem. Well, the answer to this is. Hairs are one of the common reasons for the clogged drains. These strands go and sit at the hole and bind within with other greasy and sticky particles. Thus, creating a problem for a seamless flow of water by blocking the way.

Solution- Make sure you guard the holes with a thin and fine net so that the hair gets trapped. Nowadays, many such tools are available that will help you prevent the hair from flowing down the drain and clogging. Regular cleaning is a way out to solve this problem.

2. Monitor The Waste Which Is Going In The Drain- Kitchen wastes are an essential contributor to the blocked drains. Food particles, leftover food, greasy oil, etc. are when dumped in the sink, these can move down the pipes but collect over a period. Thus, leading to blocked drains

Solution- The probable solution to this problem is regular cleaning of the sink and monitoring the waste which is going through the pipe. Always discard the food particles separately in the dustbin and only then put the utensils in the sink for washing.

3. Mineral Build-Up- Yes, they also contribute to clogged drains. Minerals dissolved in the water can build insoluble mass that blocks the drain.

Solution- You can get rid of this problem by using water softener at your home. If you don’t want to go ahead with this option, you can regularly de-sediment the build-up. There are various cleansers available in the market that you can use for the same. If this doesn’t work, then hiring a professional plumbing company is the best solution. They have the right tools and cleaning agents to perform the job rightfully.

4. Natural Debris- Twigs and leaves from trees pass through the drain and may start collecting over a period. This deposition may result in blockage of drains.

Solution- It is always good to clear up the dry leaves, branches, and twigs. Take time to clear up the gutters. Regular pruning of trees and hedges is a great way to keep the drains clear and free from clogging.

5. Foreign Objects- If you have children in the house, then you must be ready for such surprises. As a part of their fun activity, children may drop toys or other stuff in the toilet which may result in the blocked drains.

Solution- Well, you cannot stop children from playing, but monitoring them is the only way to put an end to this problem. Else, you must always keep the bathrooms locked and keep the children at bay.

Final Thoughts- Blocked drains can become a nuisance. If you want to keep this problem away, you must follow the regular cleaning of drains and pipes. Else, hiring a professional plumbing company will help you in clearing the drains and maintaining it. Clogged drains can further result in the dampness of the walls, blocked pipes, and toilets can become a bigger problem. So, make sure that you stick to the practices mentioned above to keep the drains clean.

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