Top 5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring A Commercial Roofing Contractor

commercial roof image

Whether you are starting fresh or running an already established business, you will require to make an adequate amount of investments to improve the outlook of your commercial building. One of the ways to achieve this is by remodeling your merchandising facility’s roof.

Installing a brand-new roof over your industrial property needs much capital. If done right, it will help you in making a good first impression over your clients and business partners when they visit your office. If done wrong, it will only lead to increased frustrations and added expenses.

Choosing a reliable industrial roofing expert can be a tricky thing to do. Everyone proclaims to be the best in what they do. It’s only a matter of time when you realize you have selected the wrong service provider. Here are the top 5 questions you should ask to a reliable commercial roofing comapny to make sure their services match your requirements:

What kind of Insurance do you Have?

Service providers are liable to offer their workmen compensation insurance packages by rules and regulations. But, unfortunately, some of the roofers avoid this fundamental responsibility and try their best not to pay their workers the insurance. It becomes your problem when one of their staff members gets injured, and they overburden you with compensating the victim.

To avoid paying for something that has nothing to with your business, ask your future service provider whether or not they will cover all the medical expenses of their workers. Another kind of insurance these companies have to include on their own is liability insurance. Let’s say one of their workers start a fire by working on the roof; the roofing company will have to pay for all the damages if they offer the liability insurance.

How Long have you been Practicing?

One of the most important questions to ask your potential roofing agency is to ask them how long they have been practicing in the commercial roofing industry. Surely, you wouldn’t want to waste your money on some newbie firm which neither has adequate work experience nor they employ any adept industrial experts.

Your future roofing contractor needs to have at least ten years of handling small to complex industrial roof installation projects to be counted as a reliable service provider.

Are you a Licensed Roofing Contractor?

Apart from proper insurance, the roofing specialist must have a genuine license to practice in your state. For that, you should conduct proper research first by knowing all the requirements of licensing that one company would need to fulfill to be able to work in your state or the city.

In this way, you will have peace of mind in knowing that your next commercial roofer will comply with all the codes and rules applicable in your state.

Do you Provide any Warranties?

Installing a brand-new roof over your commercial property is one thing, but having the capacity to last years of harsh weather without facing any issues is another. Ask your commercial roofing services how many years of warranty they will provide you for any leaks and other defects over the years.

Reliable industrial roofing services provide at least twenty years of defect-free warranty for your commercial roofs. That’s why make sure you don’t end up with some semi-pro roofer who gives you less ten years of warranty.

Do You Provide Written Estimates?

It’s imperative that you know how much your roof remodeling project would cost you in exact figures. That’s why you should always ask your roofing contractor to write you an estimate of all the costs involved in their service so that they won’t charge you extra amounts at the end of the assignment.

In short, the installation of a new roof over your commercial building is costly, which is why you need to ask your roofing contractor the right questions before signing them up.

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