Time To Move Out - What, When & How To Clean

Move Out Cleaning Checklist

After couple of years living in a rented property you decide to move to another place. Or even better, you finally have enough savings and decide to buy your own place. You probably feel excited about going to the new place, but there are certain things to do in your current property before you leave it.

Most of the time when you rent a space you pay a deposit to the landlord, and in order to receive it back you have to leave the property spotless.

I know you cleaned often enough while you're living there. But in order to receive your security deposit back you need to put more effort and clean a little bit deeper. Here is a checklist with all the items you have to clean before you call the property owner for inspection.

General Cleaning

General Cleaning includes the cleaning you have to perform in every room of your house or apartment.

  • Clean and wipe down all light fixtures, light switches and outlets. Replace bulbs if needed. Do not forget that there are bulbs in your microwave and fridge that need to be checked and wiped too
  • Floors have to be mopped, carpets need to be vacuumed. For stubborn spots you may need to call a professional carpet cleaners
  • Clean and wipe down all doors and door cases
  • Clean and wash windows
  • Wash the walls (if needed). For that purpose you use mix of baking soda with water
  • Clean blinds

Kitchen Cleaning

Here is a list with all the specific items in your kitchen you have to clean up.

First of all, cabinets and appliances must be cleared from remaining food and items.

  • Clean and dust all cupboards and drawers. You can first vacuum and then wipe the drawers.
  • Clean and disinfect all countertops
  • Clean and sanitize sink
  • Defrost and clean refrigerator
  • Clean inside and outside the dishwasher
  • Clean oven. If it has self-cleaning program, run it. If not, remove shelves and burners and clean them. There are special oven cleaners on the market, for better results buy an oven cleaning product.
  • Clean inside the microwave and wipe microwave's vent (it's on the back)
  • Clean all other appliances, do not forget to sweep behind and under them too

Bathroom Cleaning

  • Scrub the tiles
  • Clean and disinfect the bathtub
  • Clean and sanitize the bathroom sink and any chrome features as faucets, toilet paper holders, towel racks
  • Clean and shine the mirror
  • Clean drawers and cabinets

As bathroom is one of the most humid rooms in every home, you have to check for mold. Here is a an easy mold removal recipe, just mix hot water with soap and baking soda, and then rub the mold corners.

Outside Cleaning

  • Decks and Patios
    • Sweep or in case of stubborn stains use a pressure machine. If you don't owe one, find a jet washing service provider
  • Garage
    • Remove all of your items
    • Clean any remain oil stains
    • Sweep
  • Garden
    • Pull the weeds
    • Remove yard debris

Do not forget to remove all the trash from your home after complete with cleaning.

Keep in mind that you must leave all items in the rented property clean and in a working condition. When you complete with the move out cleaning checklist, each room of your home will be spotless and you'll receive your deposit back. In case, you think you don't have the needed skills, time or desire to do all this cleaning. You can refer to a local cleaning company to help you get ready for the move out inspection. There is a special service called end of lease cleaning which includes everything you need to ensure your deposit back. Thus, you'll save time for other important tasks and prepare better for the moving day.

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