Plan: Do Your Spring Cleaning in One Day?

Spring Cleaning

There's nothing to talk about, let's get to work!

* Make a big pot of coffee

Very few people can wake up immediately inspired to clean the house. So give yourself a caffeine boost before starting the task.

* Play your favorite music

You often use the music to enjoy your cardio workout, right? Well, a spring cleaning in one day may require the same (perhaps even more) amount of energy as running, so let the music be your guide.

* Outline your route for cleaning

Before cleaning any surface, make sure you have a plan of attack! Start with the kitchen, then move into the living room and then the bathroom. This will prevent accidental jumps back and forth between the rooms, and time will pass faster when you can see which areas of the house are already cleaned.

* Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated

Do not allow cleaning to prevent your hydration. Make sure you constantly take a glass of water otherwise, you will eventually feel tired, dehydrated and the headaches will prevent you to complete this chore.

* Call friends

If you have multiple floors in your house, then you may need an extra set of hands to clean all your space. Plus, if your friends are there, it will be a lot more fun.

* Dance while clean

This is the same concept as "whistle while you work". This will distract you from boring and tedious task and will make the time “fly”. Plus, everyone seems so charming while doing it.

* Take a break for lunch

Take a break for lunch

You may feel inclined to skip the lunch, to finish the cleaning as soon as possible, but the reason to take a break for lunch is very similar to that of hydration. Your body needs to recharge to continue working. So slow down, take a break, fill your belly, then go back to work.

* Use your muscles

You have them, so use them! Most likely you'll need them anyway.

* Clear your clothes using intuition

Trust your intuition! You know very well what you really want. So when we talk about the closet or another cluttered area, listen to your inner feeling. Do not waste time to think about whether you will wear this old dress again or not. If there is any doubt, then the answer is no. Throw it away!

* Shake off the nostalgia

Nostalgia is hard to ignore. Especially when we are talking about objects that are directly related to your most cherished memories. But if you want to reduce clutter and get rid of all the things that you know you will never use again, then you should also get rid of most of the nostalgic memories. The items are only possessions! Your memories can be saved without them! So keep your memories, throw some objects. Or perhaps you can sell them and you will have some benefit. At the same time, the item will continue to be helpful for someone else.

* Bring the Spring into your home

Bring the Spring into your home

Once your house is clean, add additional "freshness" to the already refreshing and clean fragrance, planting some spring flowers and new plants. Winter is over, it is time to embrace the new life and the efflorescence all around you.

* Reward yourself for the job well done

When the spring cleaning finally goes to its end, your prize may be to stay longer in the bathtub or to have a big glass of wine. Not only because you gave everything and fully deserve it, but because you will remember this prize when it is time to do it again next year and the task will not seem so difficult and boring.

* Use professional help and enjoy your day

It's the easiest task from all the above – call an affordable one-time cleaning company that will help you. It's spring - go outside, meet some friends, enjoy the sun and after all the fun return into your impeccably clean house!

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