Memory Foam Mattress: Expectations V.S. Reality

Memory Foam Mattress

There are many notions revolving around memory foam mattresses. Because of this, sometimes, we really can’t tell what’s the reality anymore. That’s why our expectations of these kinds of beds are blurred. Although not all expectations are false, there are certainly those that need to be corrected. So, if you’re not entirely sure about what memory foam mattresses are, then perhaps this list of expectations V.S. reality will enlighten you.

Expectations: Memory Foam Mattresses Are Hot

While it’s true that the older versions of memory foams are hot, this doesn’t mean that all of them are totally hot. There is a notion that memory foams limit the airflow, thus making the foam contour closely to the body, especially to those foams that are dense and temperature-sensitive. However, memory foams differ when it comes to producing heat.

Reality: Memory Foam Mattresses Have Different Heat Capacities

The reality is that there are only, on average, 10% of people who complain about memory foam being hot. There are different heat differences though. For instance, traditional memory foams have around 10-15% of people complaining about the heat while for gel memory foams there are around 5-10% and 2-8% for plant-based ones.

Expectations: Memory Foam Mattresses Will Smell

A lot of people say that memory foam mattresses stink. However, this is not entirely true to all memory foams. Only foams made from Polyurethane usually have residual odors.

Reality: Memory Foam Mattresses Will Stink for a While

The good news is that memory foams will not smell all the time. It will only just have a residual smell right after buying it, especially when it’s wrapped. It will eventually lose its smell after days or months.

Expectations: Memory Foams Will Have Toxic Chemicals

Some people are wary of memory foams as they believe that these foams are toxic. While this is quite true as some foams before were made from Polyurethanes which oftentimes contain chemicals such as formaldehyde, PBDEs, chlorofluorocarbons, and the like, memory foams these days are already properly regulated.

Reality: Toxic Materials Used in Memory Foams Are Already Regulated

Today, there are already a lot of European and American brands which have phased out these foams that contain toxic chemicals like CFCs, PBDEs, formaldehyde, and the like. Now, you can already buy memory foams which are not only safe for human use but are also environmentally-friendly. As long as you know what brands to trust, you’re safe from all of these toxic substances.

Expectations: Sleeping on Memory Foam Mattresses Will Feel Like You’re in Quicksand

You might think that memory foams will always be solid. However, there are some memory foams that will lose their firmness over time. This is because body heat will eventually contour and soften the foam, thus creating that dent on the bed. People will often say that it feels like they’re being stuck in quicksand.

Reality: Some Memory Foam Mattresses Will Soften Overtime

This is partially true, but this is not applicable to all memory foams. This will only happen to denser foams which are temperature-sensitive. If you buy a memory foam that is temperature-neutral, it’s much more flexible, so this removes the sinking feeling as the foam responds quickly to movements. This means that the firmness offered is consistent while you sleep.

Expectations: Memory Foam Mattresses Are Expensive

There are a lot of people who’ll just skip memory foams because they think that they are super expensive. However, this is not entirely true in today’s time.

Reality: Memory Foam Mattresses Are Reasonable

Before, mainstream memory foams were expensive, so people always associate this price to all memory foams of today. However, manufacturers today already make their own materials, so memory foams become significantly cheaper. You can definitely purchase one without going broke.

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