How to Save Money on a House Extension

How to Save Money on a House Extension

Each year there are thousands of remodelling projects each year where homeowners design and construct extensions. There are additions to different segments of existing homes. They are sometimes envisioned due to growing family dynamics. These provide the cheapest way to extend a house without the hassle of complete renovations.

Learning how to save money on house extension projects is important. This is a way to get the space and features that you want in a budget-friendly way. According to Remodeling Magazine, the index for home remodelling projects is already up by 5.2% in 2018. This momentum is expected to increase through the year 2019. Fortunately for homeowners, there are tips to follow that can make this work affordable.

Knowing what you want as a completed result is essential to begin these projects. This typically means reviewing house designs. There are some designs that will tailor to the type of construction that you currently have. Construction details are important and impact the overall results. This is also a consideration for your specific how to extend house cheaply concerns.

Let’s take a look at some tips to make this process easy and affordable.​

Get Proper Permission

Depending on the type of extension that you want, there may be limitations associated with this work. You will definitely need to get proper permission for some of these projects. This requires getting a planning permission application in some instances. Here are some of the extension limitations to consider:

  • It should not be higher than the highest point of your roof.
  • Four metres is the highest point for rear-house extensions.
  • Single-story extensions should not surpass the rear wall.

Following these specific guidelines prior to getting any work done will save you both time and resources. It will also prevent problems associated with the following permission instructions and expectations.


Hire Experienced Workers

Conducting research prior to hiring any workers or trade people is paramount. This may require looking them up online to determine what their qualifications and skills are. Most in this industry must have licenses and training associated with the service that they perform. Homeowners are better protected when they are careful to hire experienced workers for extension projects.


Set Your Extension Budget

It is important to know in advance how much you can spend on these types of projects. Setting your budget allows you to understand what changes are possible. It’s never a good idea to undervalue the work and its complexity. For some homeowners, the cheapest way to build a house extension is incremental. This allows them to take care of every part of the project with quality being in mind.​

Ask for Project Quotes

One of the best ways to stay on your budget is to provide yourself with options. This involves getting up to 3 different quotes for your project. Renovation experts should be able to evaluate your property and provide a quote. You will be able to compare not only the costs suggested but also the approach that each person wants to take for your extension.


Go for Available On-the-Shelf Products

It’s preferable that you avoid buying any materials or goods that need to be ordered in advance when building a house extension. Most of the pre-ordered items can be quite expensive, and there might even be some additional cost to it. To save money on a house extension, you should go for windows, doors and materials that are on display.

Keep the Groundworks Simple

Unless you live in a character property, always avoid complex groundworks and foundation. Don’t try to build any tunnels, basements or any specially added groundworks to the base since they can be quite costly. Maintain the same floor plan and add the extension on the ground floor instead.


Use Detached Additions

There are many ways to extend your home. Experts say that the best and cheapest way is choosing a detached addition (or semi-attached addition) to the house instead of the attached ones. With a detached addition, you’ll be less likely to pay for an extra cost for excavation. You can ask questions regarding these choices right before requesting for a price quote.

Choose Your Construction Method

It is difficult to follow your budget and to meet timelines if the construction method is incorrect. In many cases, this involves limiting the expansion overall. Working with extension architects is one way to ensure that you choose the right method. You can focus on the thermal and sound building while eliminating too much expansion, structural removal, and the relocation of electrical equipment.

Consulting with renovation professionals is a great idea for new and existing homeowners. These are individuals experienced in this field and have conducted diverse projects. They will be able to keep you within your budget, as well as, offer alternatives to meet your plan. Their expertise may also benefit your schedule timeline and prevent you from making unnecessary structural changes to the home.

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