A Guide to Essential Tools for Homeowners


No matter what level of DIY skills you possess, it's essential to have at least a few basic tools. You never know when you'll need to fix a dripping tap, unclog a blocked sink, or DIY home renovations.

You don't need to be a DIY enthusiast or even like DIY! You will though have times when you need to hang new curtains or hammer a nail in the wall.

Aside from the obvious reasons for owning tools, there are many day to day occasions when you may need them. For example, prising the lid off a tin.

You don't need to spend a lot of money on expensive tools. Just keeping a basic supply of essential items is fine.

You can always add to them in the future. Many DIY tools for the home can be found as sale items. Look online or visit your local DIY store.

Certain times of the year such as Black Friday or early January are great for bagging a bargain.

The type of tools you decide to buy will depend on your level of DIY skills, as well as your enthusiasm. The following is a list of what I feel an essential toolkit for homeowners should include


The most basic of DIY toolsets should include a set of screwdrivers. Blade and Phillips are the two most commonly used. Ideally, have several of each in different sizes.


Pliers come in handy if you're cutting or bending wires. They can also be used for grabbing hold of bolts.


A torch is one of the most essential tools for homeowners. You never know when a power cut may happen and it's always best to be prepared. Also, you may need to check your fuse box in a blackout.


No toolkit should be without a claw hammer. You can easily remove crooked nails from walls or wood using the curved end. You can also hammer nails using the flat head.

Sink plunger

We've all experienced blocked bath plugholes and sinks. The water takes forever to drain away. Keeping a plunger handy often eliminates the need to buy harsh chemicals.

Tape measure and ruler

Tape measures are essential tools. They come in handy for so many things. For example, if you're buying new curtains.

They're also useful for things like measuring cupboard sizes, or the space to fit your new dishwasher!

3 cordless pop rivet tool

A 3 cordless pop rivet tool is a fast and easy way to join thin sheets of metal or plastic. There are many things around the home a rivet tool would come in handy for. Hanging window blinds, fixing signs to a wall, or even framed photos.

Nutsert kit

Nutserts are simply a replacement for conventional square or hexagon shaped nuts. They're designed to stay in place permanently without the need for welding.

Stanley knife

A Stanley knife has so many practical applications. From sharpening pencils, cutting cardboard, to opening boxes. Blades are removable and easily replaced.

Adjustable wrench

You never know when you may have to tighten loose tap fittings or unscrew bolts. Having an adjustable wrench as part of your essential home toolkit can save you a lot of aggravation in emergencies.


All DIY tool sets should include a drill. Even if you're no enthusiast of DIY there may be times when you'll need to put a shelf up or hang a picture.

Depending on your budget you could invest in a cordless power drill. They make light work of drilling holes, and useful in hard to reach areas. Though more expensive than an electric drill they are more powerful.

Putty knife

Putty knives are Mostly used for filling cracks, but can also come in handy for scraping bits of dirt off a window.

Dust mask

Anyone who has an allergy to dust will understand the importance of a dust mask for very dirty jobs. Deep cleaning a room may involve a lot of dirt and dust. If you're working with hazardous chemicals a mask is an essential tool.

Keeping your tools handy

While it's great to own all these essential tools, they're of no use if you can't find them! Organising your tools in a toolbox the best way to store them.

You don't want to be chasing around the house trying to find a wrench when water is pouring out of a broken tap!

Renting tools

Some of the larger tools you'll only use occasionally may not be worth buying. For example, tree cutting or hedge trimming tools. In this case, renting may be the best option.

Spirit level

While you can get level apps on your iPhone, owning a spirit level can come in handy. For example, checking a picture frame on the wall is hung straight.

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