Gena Lorainne

Gena has been known for her gardening skills for quite some time now. She works in a local gardening company, happily knowing it's her dream job. Aside from plants being her passion she likes to travel whenever she can afford it(in terms of time). She attended Kingston University before the engaging in the gardening career. Her favourite fruit is the tomato.

Articles from this author

Summer flowers

Gardening trends are just the same as any other fashion. They come and go, new plants and design styles splash onto the scene, along with old favourites that just won't go away.

So what do you do when life gives you lemons? That's right – you install a lemon juice harvesting system and...

Pesticides - what you probably don't, but deserve to know.

Having issues with garden pests? You struggle every day with that particular caterpillar you see munching on your plants and when you reach to grab and throw it away