Fun Facts About The Most Common Pests in the Property

Everybody loves their home. This is the place where we are protected from the outside world, and we can do whatever we want. There we are safe and protected. But still, there are some things that exist only to damage our homes and harm its integrity. The usual household pests are one of them. Every home has them, and once they settle in, it's really hard to get rid of them. Fortunately for the human race, there are plenty of detergents and agents which are created to get rid of them and keep them away from the property. But before we go and buy everything from the store, we have to know what kind of pests we have. So, take a look at the list below and learn some fun facts about the common pests in the property and the way how to get rid of them properly.


Ants are usually very helpful creatures because they help maintain the balance of nature. But when it comes to households, they are just considered pests. This is because ants are gatherers. They gather food and bring it to their anthill for their queen. So, they usually come to a house when they sense there's food on the floor or somewhere on the furniture. It's not their fault. It's just their nature. But still, people don't like living with ants. It is best to keep the property clean and contact an ant control service if there is an issue or signs of an infestation.     


Fun fact: All the humans on the planet weigh less than all the ants. It's amazing, don't you think so? There are many other crazy facts about bugs. Did you know that there are bugs that look like a human face? You can really see how big is the similarity between the two.


The flies are probably the most common pests in every household. They are practically everywhere and it's really hard to get rid of them. Usually, people don't pay so much attention to them, but this is a big mistake. These pests can carry a lot of different diseases, among which the common food poisoning bacteria. When they get inside the house, they start flying everywhere and lying their eggs wherever they like. All of this makes them a real danger to humanity. Fortunately, they die very easily. It's enough to bang them really hard on the head with a newspaper.

Fun fact: Most flies live an average of 21 days.



There's nothing good when it comes to wasps. They are pretty dangerous actually. They only fly around and scare everyone they meet on the way. They also sting when they feel threatened, which is really painful and unpleasant for the person who experiences it. They are not the most common pests, but they sometimes wander inside the house accidentally. But this doesn't mean they are less dangerous.

Fun fact: Wasps can sting over and over again.

Mice and Rats

These two represent the most common pests in the property from the rodent family. They also come to a house looking for food, and they decide they can build a nice home for themselves. The problem is that the home is not theirs, and the owner would probably not like the idea of something so little and repulsive touching his possessions and food. The mice and rats can also carry a lot of dangerous and even lethal diseases, so you should be very careful when getting rid of them. Fortunately, there are plenty of poisons and traps. Or, if you're really scared of them, you can always call pest control experts to help you get rid of them.

Fun fact: Rats love chocolate.

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