Essential Spring Cleaning Checklist for Procrastinators

Essential Spring Cleaning Checklist for Procrastinators
Royalty free image from Pexels

Are you prepared for spring? When the cold temps break, it can roll right in if you are not paying attention. Then you can find you've too much work to do for you to enjoy it fully. 

You do not want to take that route though because there's plenty of fun to be experienced in the springtime as well. So, grab your fanciest cleaning gloves and tackle these spring chores to you'll knock off the list and head back to fun in the sun.

A thorough spring cleaning very thoroughly is an essential springtime tradition for most households. Before you begin, put together a plan of attack. Planning it out will help you face the big, dreaded chores (window cleaning, anyone?) into manageable, smaller bites.

Often, getting started is usually the hardest part of all of it and the cause of procrastination. Once you find that motivation it'll move along quickly. Concentrate on the result instead of what you're doing, and it'll be less tiresome. 

Here are some checklist items for your spring cleaning needs in the two most dreaded places in your home--the kitchen and the bathroom.  These rooms present the most significant challenges when you're doing a deep clean. 

So, getting these crossed off that list first will give you a feeling of accomplishment. Take a look:


Before we start, please note that I clean with baking soda and vinegar. I have asthma and vinegar is a well-proven bacteria killer that's safe for me to breathe. Feel free to use whatever cleaning products you have, the point here is more the checklist than the products.

  • Clean light fixtures, ceiling fans
  • Change batteries in the smoke detector
  • Clean out and sanitize the inside of your refrigerator and freezer with white vinegar
  • Remove everything from all countertops. Wipe down all surfaces as well as all the canisters and appliances that go back on top of the counters. Scrub any stains with a baking soda paste.
  • Clean your coffee maker by running a cleaning solution or vinegar through and rinsing.
  • Deodorize your kitchen trash bin.
  • Remove the exhaust fan filter from above the stove and scrub it clean--built up grease can ignite a fire.
  • Organize your food storage containers, toss the ones that are missing lids.
  • Scrub out the inside of your microwave oven.
  • Run the self-clean cycle on your oven, then scrape out the burnt bits.
  • Scour your sink and freshen the drains with baking soda, salt, and vinegar. Shine the faucets up when you finish.
  • Cleanse the inside of your dishwasher.
  • Mop your floors. Pay careful attention to stains or spots.


  • Clean your light fixtures.
  • Vacuum out the exhaust fan.
  • Wash the windows.
  • Scrub the grout lines in the shower or on the floor (if you have ceramic tiles, here)
  • Scrub the toilet, and don't forget the base!
  • Wipe down shower, bathtub, and vanity tops.
  • Shine up the fixtures.
  • Wash the bath mats and hang them up to dry
  • Deodorize the shower and sink drains with a baking soda, salt, and vinegar mixture.
  • Organize the linen closet. Donate any bare-threaded towels to a local animal rescue.
  • Refresh the laundry hamper with disinfectant spray, wash the hamper liner.
  • Thoroughly mop the floors, treating any grubby areas with attention.

When you've had enough inside cleaning, and you want to head outdoors to enjoy the springtime weather, turn your attention to a spring cleanup of your yard and garden. You'll still be productive so that you won't feel guilty. 

Springtime Yard Cleanup

  • Rake any remaining leaves and compost them.
  • Remove debris: branches, twigs, pine cones.
  • Fertilize and mulch your flower beds. 
  • Add pre-emergent weed controller to your freshly-weeded gardens.
  • Plant annuals.
  • Hose pollen off of patio furniture, deck, or porch.
  • Put out your prettiest spring decorations
  • Sweep the driveway, garage floor, and sidewalks; consider pressure washing if needed.
  • Apply weed and feed to the lawn to control insects and fertilize for greener grass.
  • Pour 1/2 gallon of white vinegar around your azaleas and rhododendrons to force vibrant blooms.
  • Cut the grass for the first time.

Once you've spent some wonderful time in the warm air and sunshine, you'll feel re-energized and ready to face the rest of your inside spring cleaning tasks.

Finally, remember to pace yourself. It might take you several days to finish this vital checklist. 

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