Essential Maintenance Tips for Laminate Kitchen Worktops

Laminate kitchen worktops

A widespread misconception regarding kitchen countertops is related to its maintenance. A lot of people tend to believe that it takes half of the day to clean the kitchen properly and maintain its appearance. Moreover, the biggest part of difficulty pops up when it comes to cleaning the countertops as that part becomes the dirtiest among all because of its maximum usage. However, these perceptions are nothing but misconceptions based on some illogical ideas.

Unlike the traditional stone or wood-based kitchen worktops, the recent advancements in home appliances and household fixtures have provided the homeowners with multiple options in the countertops. Be it design or durability; those worktops are far more functional than the previous ranges. Among the popular choices of urban homeowners, laminate kitchen worktops certainly top the list. One of the prime reasons for choosing this worktop over the other contemporary ones is its ease of maintenance. Regular cleaning is just enough for the worktops in the case you want to keep it shiny and bright as new.

Here are a few tips on cleaning and maintaining the laminate worktops to get you through the process with ease.

Basic Maintenance

The high-quality laminate kitchen worktops you are going to get from the most reputed suppliers in the market are recognized as low maintenance worktops. The basic things you may need to clean these particular worktops include a piece of soft cloth along with mild cleaning detergent solutions.

It is crucial for you to avoid strong cleaning agents under any circumstances as those contain strong bleach that may even cause discoloration of the worktops. Moreover, a common mistake that occurs while cleaning the worktops is leaving behind the detergent residues without cleaning it up using a dry cloth. Such dry marks can eventually lead to permanent stains on the cook-tops that are hard to remove.

Working on stains

Some people tend to think that the best way to beat hard stains caused by cooking spills is to scrub those off using sharp objects. However, in reality, you may end up damaging the entire appearance of the worktop. The most natural way to clean the mess up on laminate kitchen worktops is to mix baking soda with water in 3:1 ratio and put it on the stains. However, it is highly recommended not to leave the process midway and go somewhere else. Rather you need to constantly look after it for the next 3 to 5 minutes and then wipe it off instantly. Due to the presence of abrasive elements in the mixture, it may trigger some severe damage to your valuable countertop.

Keep the hot plates away

Apart from carrying out a thorough cleaning, it is necessary to consider a few mandatory things that should be avoided for ensuring longevity for laminate kitchen worktops. Among those, the foremost rule is to keep the hot things away from the cook-top. The heat resistance feature, however, is enough to withstand the regular wear and tear of burning. However, if you continue to keep hot dishes and plates on the cook-top without placing any pad underneath, you are compromising on its prolonged life.

One of the best parts of choosing laminate kitchen worktops is it can be quickly turned into a backsplash where the food crumbs and spills get accumulated. However, the ease of cleaning method lets you clean up the mess on the backsplash along with the countertop at one swipe. In the case, you cannot find a way out to get rid of tough stains; it will prove to be a wise decision on your part to seek professional help and follow the instructions they have given you. Get more information on Replacement kitchen worktops .

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