6 Tips For Moving House With A Cat

moving with cat

As cats are highly territorial, it isn’t that easy for a cat to move to a new place. Some cats may even show resistance to the move with different corners to eat and sleep that it could become sad and depressed. It is up to us to make the move easy on the cats and here are a few tips to help you with that.

1. Keep them safe on the chaotic moving day
As much as cats aren’t comfortable with the new locations, they aren’t much happy about many strangers too. On your moving day, you may have many removalists moving around in your home and this can irk the cat. Sometimes, the cat can run out of the home when the door is kept open or may dash in front of you when you are carrying heavy boxes.
It is best to keep your cat safe in a room and away from the chaotic movements of the moving day. 

2. Have a talk with your vet
Every cat reacts differently to the move and your vet can guide you to make the move smooth for your cat. Some cats may be anxious or too agitated during the period of relocation and your vet can help with some mild medications or sedatives for the cat to sleep during the transportation.
Also, it will be useful to do a full check-up on your cat before you shift to the new place and get some additional medications until you find a good vet near your new home.

3.Prep your cat before the move
If you suddenly put your cat in a carrier and travel for like 8 hours straight, your cat is bound to get nasty. First, start by making it familiar with the insides of the carrier and the traveling. Let your cat sleep inside the carrier for a few hours a day and take the cat around for an hour drive to let it get accustomed to the motions of a car on the move.
This will help your cat to at least be comfortable for the first few hours of transportation.

4.Prepping to move the cat
On the day of the move, you must have a separate bag with the cat items like food for the cat, its favorite toy, small blankets and some water for the cat. On the day of the move, feed a small meal to the cat to ensure that you do not have to make many restroom stops. Let your cat free in the room until you are just about to get in the car and let it enjoy all the free time. 
If you are okay to carry the cat on your lap and if you think it will be docile, then you can try that for some time too. However, it is essential to always keep a carrier in handy in case if you are getting out of the car.

5.Helping the cat to adjust to the new house
Once you reach the new place, the cat may find it different and may take some time to get adjusted to it. It depends on us to make the cat familiar with the place. Start small like a separate room where the cat can roam freely. Set up its own favorite corner for food and make sure to follow the same timetables as you did at the previous house. 
Once you can see the cat becoming comfortable, let it explore the other rooms too. Accompany your cat for the first few times it wanders into the other rooms.

6. Familiarizing with the environment
Once you see that the cat is entirely okay with the new house, take him out for a walk to the nearby park or round in the car for some time. If you see any signs that the cat is getting anxious or disturbed, get the cat back to his own safe place in the house. Cats take some time to adjust to the new home and therefore, give enough time for it to get familiar with the area gradually.
When you are moving with cats, it is crucial to spend some time to make it comfortable for the chaos.
Therefore, you can hire removalists to help with the move. 

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