5 Things You Must Know About a Dry Ice Blasting Rental Company

5 Things You Must Know About a Dry Ice Blasting Rental Company

Whether you are looking to restore your historical home or get your manufacturing plant cleaned there is no better technique than dry ice blasting. This cleaning technique has gained immense popularity compared to other types of cleaning such as pressure cleaning or sandblasting given the fact that it is non-flammable, nonconductive and most importantly non-abrasive. Unlike other cleaning methods, it doesn’t introduce secondary contaminants on the surface thus offering a better cleaning experience. It is used for the removal of paints, production residual matter, resins, asphalt tar, adhesive, oils and contaminants from the surface. 

In this process dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) pellets are sprayed over a surface with high pressure compressed air which in turn removes all the contaminant on the surface where the dry ice is being blasted through a high-pressure hose. This job requires the use of cutting-edge equipment and a highly skilled workforce. Naturally, you need to hire the services of professional dry ice blasting rental company to carry out the seamlessly. If you have Googled “dry ice blasting companies near me” chances are you may have come across several companies. This is where you need to be choosy and here are five things you need to look for in a dry ice blasting company before you hire them. 

1.    Where do they serve?

It is important to know whether the company you are choosing serves in your area. While a company may serve a community near you but they may not serve your area. This is the reason we have mentioned this as your first consideration as an online search for service providers can often be misleading and you need to know if they serve in your area.     

2.    What kind of customers did they serve?

While dry ice blasting finds its usage from homes to retail stores to large manufacturing facilities not all companies do cater to all kinds of customers. For instance, if you wish to get your conveyers dry ice blasted it is worth knowing if the company has prior expertise in having undertaken such projects. Familiarity with the job is a huge advantage in such projects.    

3.    How long have they been in business?

The demand for dry ice blasting has led to mushrooming of several companies. As fast as many of these companies open shop they also shut down. The lack of a professional team and state-of-the-art equipment is often the reason behind such failure. This is where you need to look at the number of years a company has been in business. If they have survived the competition it is a testimony to their quality of service.     

4.    How do they train their employees?

You will have to bear an important thing mind and i.e. dry ice blasting is a highly labor intensive job and among the factors that decide upon success is the skill level of the workers and how they are trained for the job. Do care to ask about how their employees are trained as this will have a bearing on the success of your project.     

5.    What type of equipment do they use?

You may not be an expert in the equipment that is used for this kind of cleaning but it is still worth throwing the question at the service provider. If they use the latest equipment they would boast about the same. If they avoid answering your question you still have your answer.   

When you have knowledge about these things you will be able to choose the best among the dry ice blasting company near you. As we have mentioned above this is a high skill-intensive job and also requires the use of state-of-the-art equipment and hence you can’t afford to overlook any of these facts. 

Summary – In this write-up, we look at where to buy activated charcoal products and the advantages of choosing this channel of buying over others. 

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