4 Affordable Tools that Every Garage Woodshop Should Have

Garage Woodshop

Creating the right balance of functionality and affordability when you are setting up your woodshop can be very difficult. What tools do you need? Do you buy new or used? These are two of the most frequently asked.  

So in this article, we are going to help you decide whether to get a jointer or planer first as well as give you some other of the must-have tools to set up your garage woodshop. At the end of the day, a garage woodshop is nothing if it doesn’t have the right tools.  

There 4 affordable tools every garage woodshop should have that will get you started, no matter whether it is for every now and then or for more work-related purposes. So let’s take a look. 

Woodshop on a Budget 

Even with a limited budget, you do not want to look at price as the only factor on whether it is a good choice or not. In fact, spending a little extra to get quality pieces of hardware can save you money in the long run. Quality and versatility is the name of the game when trying to be as kind to your wallet as possible. So, if you are dealing with a lack of funds, there are a few key tools that you should have in your garage woodshop. Here are four of the tools that you can use to start out. 

Table saw 

Almost every shop has one because it is key to some vital functions of woodworking. It is good for milling crosscutting angles and can be used for joinery tasks as well. You can go for a used one and may spend less, but if you have the budget, this is one tool you should spend a little more on. 


A planer is a must as well. It will elevate your creative ability. Used to trim wood and obtaining the correct thickness, this piece of equipment is important to be able to craft quality wood pieces. A planer can be purchased used but is much more efficient if purchased new. Some of the newer models come with extra features.  


If you’re doing woodwork that requires any type of trim or decorative features, a wood router is a must-have. Much like the other tools on this list you can probably get a pretty good deal by shopping around either in the used or new market. 


Being able to screw your pieces together is important and that is where a good hand-held drill comes in. You can save money by using a corded instead of the cordless version. 

These are the 4 must-have tools, and each is affordable, but remember that spending a little extra for durability and performance may save you in the long run. If you have a few extra bucks lying around, then you should take a look at the next section for some other tools that we think are great additions to your woodshop. 

Other Tools That You May Want to Get 

You want to have the right tool for the right job at the right time, but when working on a budget you have to prioritize. The four suggestions above are what we think you should have, but of course, there are other tools that could come in handy. Here are a few. 

  • Jigsaw  
  • Power jointer 
  • Square and tape measure (these should actually be a must-have as well as the 4 above) 
  • Smoothing tools like rasps, files, etc. 
  • Joinery tools 
  • Wood mallet 
  • Chisels 
  • Hammer (another tool that you should have) 
  • Screwdrivers (another tool that you should have) 

There are a few of these tools above that most people have in their house like a hammer and screwdrivers, so those should be easy enough to add to your toolkit in your woodshop. 

Final Thoughts 

Setting up your woodshop in your garage has already saved you the cost of finding a workspace, so spending a little extra on your tools is an acceptable cost. With that being said, we know that you may need to concentrate on affordability as you buy the tools for your shop.  

That is why we have given you four of the must-have affordable tools that every woodworker needs for their shop. Hopefully, our list has helped narrow down your search and made it just a little easier. Once you have the needed tools you will be ready to craft beautiful and well-made pieces of woodwork. 

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