How the Five Most Common Sleeping Positions Affect Your Health

Sleeping Positions

How you sleep says a lot about you and it can also have an impact on your health. Take a few minutes to learn more about your sleeping habits so that you can make the necessary adjustments to ensure that your sleep has a positive impact on your health. There are five primary sleeping postures that you should learn about: -

Arms at Your Side and Sleeping on Your Back

This sleep position is typically considered to be the most suitable one, according to sleep and spine health experts. It helps to ensure that your spine and neck are in a neutral position. Just make sure that your pillow is not too high so it can help keep your neck properly aligned. While this position is the best for your spine, neck, and back, it is not ideal for those who have sleep apnea because it may encourage this condition and the snoring that is normally associated with it. It is also important to make sure that your mattress is firm enough and if yours is old, adding the best memory foam mattress topper could greatly help enhance your comfort.

Sleeping on Your Stomach with Your Head Turned to the Side

If you want to improve your digestion, sleeping on your stomach is the best position for you. Turning your head to the side ensures that you are able to breathe easily as you sleep. However, this sleeping position does not offer adequate support to your spine or neck. It can strain the muscles in the neck and force the spine to not be in a neutral position. This can cause you to wake up with neck and back pain.

Fetal Position on Either Side

The fetal position is a very common sleeping position because it is comfortable for most people. However, this comfort can come with a price because it can encourage back and neck pain due to the spine not being properly supported. Those who sleep in this position also tend to not breathe deeply in their sleep because this position somehow prevents this.

Sleeping On Your Left or Right Side

Whether you sleep on your right side or your left side, there are some health issues to consider. If you tend to sleep on your right side, you run the risk of waking up in the morning with heartburn, especially if you eat so close to your bedtime. If you sleep on your left side, this can strain your lungs, liver, and stomach, but it reduces the risk of you waking up with heartburn.

When it comes to this position, pregnant women can benefit greatly by sleeping on their left side. This is because sleeping on this side improves the circulation to the fetus. It can even be enhanced more if one is using the best memory foam mattress topper as it offers firm and comfortable support.

Sleeping with the head supported by a Pillow to Supplement Your Comfort

Many people use a pillow to increase comfort and this is one of the best ways to sleep because there are no negative health effects. When you use a pillow to support your head during sleep, you can place it in a way that supports your spine and joints. This ensures that you wake up relaxed and without pain. You can use a pillow in all sleeping positions, including on your back, in the fetal position, and when sleeping on either side.

In addition to practicing a sleep position that is best for you, things such as the quality of your mattress and length of sleep are also important factors to consider. A memory foam mattress is highly recommended as it tends to allow for the most comfortable sleep because it conforms to your body.  Get a better night's sleep without interruption, you can use a hybrid mattress. When it comes to the duration of sleep, an average adult should at least get between seven to nine hours of sleep each night. These factors and your sleeping position can ensure more restful sleep so that you have plenty of energy the next day. 

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