6 Types of Roofing Materials You Should Consider


Your roof is one of the most important components of your home's exterior. And with your roof exposed to wear and tear like storms, heavy rainfall, and so on, there might be a need for roof repairs now and then. But some damage may be so extensive that you need to replace your roof.

Another reason why you may need to replace your roof is to boost your home's resale value. A house with a new roof or one in great condition is bound to fetch you a higher asking price. And sometimes, the current roof may be past its useful lifespan necessitating the need for a new roof.

There are several roofing materials to choose from when you want to install a new roof. Your preferences, the climate of your area, and budget are the top determinants of the roofing material you go for.

Below are popular roofing materials along with their pros and cons. Hopefully, this gives you some insight into the type of roofing material to buy should you ever need to replace your roof.

1. Asphalt shingle roof

An Asphalt shingle roof is the most common type of roofing material in the United States. This is because it is the most affordable roofing material on the market. Asphalt shingles are also easy to install and they come in different types: 3-tab, architectural, luxury.

The difference between the three is price and appearance. While 3-tab asphalt shingles used to be the most popular (they are the cheapest), architectural shingles are used more these days. The reason for this is the cool design of architectural shingles (also called dimensional shingles).

Luxury shingles are the largest and most expensive of the three types. It also has the longest lifespan - 50 years. Overall, asphalt shingles work well in most climates and are recyclable.

2. Metal roofing

Metal roofing has been around since the 1800s and still remains a popular choice today. Aluminum, zinc, steel, copper, and zinc are popular metals used for roofing. Metal roofs will cost you more than most other roof types, but the longevity, which can be over 70 years, and aesthetics make it worth it. In fact, a metal roof is one type of roof you can bank on installing only once.

The most important thing about metal roofs is the installation. If your contractor isn't skilled enough, you'll have problems later in the future. There's also this misconception about metal roofs requiring a lot of maintenance. Again, this isn't true if the roof is well installed.

"When correctly installed the maintenance required to keep a metal roof up to standards is extremely minimal. Sometimes the most upkeep ever really needed is just making sure no sticks, branches or things like that get stuck or clog the gutters up there after a big storm," says Elite Services and Roofing, a metal roofing.

3. Slate roof

A slate roof could be made out of natural slate tiles or synthetic materials. Natural slate is more expensive than its synthetic counterpart and is super durable, fireproof, and resistant to extreme temperatures and high wind. It can even withstand impacts from small branches and hails.

While synthetic slate is more affordable, it still has many of the benefits of natural slate. So, you can go for it if you want slate roofing and natural slate that exceeds your budget. A slate roof may just be the last roof you'll ever install if you can afford it.

Slates are heavy and your home may need additional structural support for it to hold the slate. And this may further increase your expenses.

4. Wood roofing

Wood roofing combines well with Cape Cod cottages and Tudor-style homes. You can also use them for cozy Craftsman homes. Popular materials used for wood roofing include Cedar, Redwood, and pine. This is because these materials repel insects which improve their lifespan.

You'll have to consider the climate of your area before installing wood roofs as wet climates may damage your roof faster. While dry climates are more appropriate for wood roofs, you may need to treat the roof to protect it from fire.

5. Clay tiles

Clay tiles have been around for thousands of years and remain popular today due to their durability, longevity, and low maintenance. They are ideal for hot climates and this is why you'll see several homes with clay tiles in places. The fact that roof tiles are also fire resistant and able to withstand winds makes them suitable for these regions.

Expensive to install and repair, clay tiles come in different aesthetically pleasing colors such as terracotta, red, brown, and gray. You'll need specialized labor to install the clay tiles and your home may need additional weight support as clay tiles are heavy.

6. Composite shingle roof

Made of synthetic materials like plastic, rubber, and engineered polymer, composite roofs are increasing in popularity. They can be designed to look like a slate roof, cedar shake roof, or other roofing materials which adds to their appeal. 

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