Planning for a Funeral


One of the hardest parts of life is dealing with the inevitable: death. While no one hopes for the death of friends or family, we all know that the day will come when we will have to lay our loved ones to rest. Whether the death was expected or not, when your friend or family member first passes away, there are millions of different thoughts and emotions running through your mind that you have no control over.

In all of the commotion in dealing with the grief of the loss of a loved one, very rarely are we thinking about planning a funeral. Between dealing with the logistics and finances, as well as trying to keep yourself mentally stable, planning a funeral can be an incredibly challenging ordeal for any person. While it is going to be extremely difficult, planning the funeral is a necessity after the loss of a loved one.

There is much you should prepare yourself for before beginning to plan for a funeral. Read below to find out some helpful information that will aid you in your difficult time:


Collect Yourself

Firstly, before doing any planning, it is important that you collect yourself. Your loved one is gone, and although that may be a harsh reality, you are going to have to deal with it. Of course, it will take months, and maybe even years, to truly feel better about this sad fact; however, you need to at least collect yourself enough to plan for the funeral. There are many coping techniques that can help you deal with the initial pain you are feeling. You should reach out to friends or family for love and support. Sometimes, talking with someone who was not close with or did not know the deceased can be helpful, so you do not have to comfort the other person while also dealing with your own personal grief.       


Choose the Form of Disposition

While this may be one of the most morbid parts of planning a funeral, it is certainly necessary. You need to decide what you are going to do with your loved one’s body. If they had pre-prepared plans, this step would become much easier. If they already had a funeral plot or desired wishes to be cremated, then it is your responsibility to fulfill their wishes. However, oftentimes, death comes unexpectedly, and it is not easy to know what your loved one would have wanted if you never discussed it. Use your best judgment when deciding what to do. No matter what you choose, it will be the right decision.


Plan the Service

 Planning while you are grieving is extremely difficult. If your loved one was an adherent of a religion, it is a good idea to have a funeral service at their religion’s house of worship. Every church, temple, mosque or other house of worship is prepared for planning a funeral, so you should speak with a religious leader in order to help you prepare. Many churches will have altered seating arrangements available to accommodate extra visitors.


Final Thoughts

While no one wants to plan a funeral, it is, unfortunately, a necessary act. You want to make sure that your loved one’s memory is cherished, and in order to do so, you need to plan their funeral properly. While dealing with the death of a loved one is difficult enough, the added stress of planning a funeral will make your life harder. However, by following the above guide, it should alleviate some of your tensions. By collecting yourself, choosing the form of disposition, and planning the service, you will be on your way to planning your funeral. 

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