
Diet tips for weight gain

World over obesity has been classified as a major problem but not much has been spoken about individuals struggling to gain weight.  

Nature's strength present around us is the true healers of diseases. Nature is enriched with herbs that help to manage ulcerative colitis.

Hemorrhoids (piles) are the one of most disgusting health issues. Even people hesitate to visit doctor. However this is a more common problem of males than females

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is based on the principles of food selected and preparation of Eastern countries adjacent to the Mediterranean sea. These regions include, most famously, Greece, along with Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, and even Israel. 

Paleo Diet

It seems that nearly every day, Americans are obsessed with the latest diet and exercise fads that come and go like mushrooms.

Metabolic Cooking

Metabolic cooking refers to a way of eating that gets your metabolism rolling like a pot on a fast boil. It's a three-part food plan that turns every meal into a fat-burning session for your body.

Paleo Lunch

Going paleo is more than just eating like a caveman, it's about reclaiming your health by replacing processed foods and grains with more nutrient-dense choices.

Diet For Women

In some important ways, women and men are biologically different. For example, women menstruate, tend to have less muscle mass, and are capable of getting pregnant and of lactating

Caveman Diet

You may have heard people talking about the caveman diet or the paleo diet but aren't sure exactly what they are. They're both the same thing, and they're a diet that is focused around getting back in touch with our more ferocious ancestors

Keeping the body active and moving will always lead to a slimmer, healthier you, but if your double chin is really bothering you, then pay close attention to your diet.

Ulcerative colitis is a health problem that occurs when the lining of the colon and rectum become

Blueberry Greek Yogurt

A lot of people don’t quite know the difference between regular yogurt and the Greek yogurt. In this article, we show you how to distinguish between the 2 yogurts.
