7 Reasons Why You Should Install Security Film on Your Windows


With the rate at which the act of burglaries, terrorism, and vandalism is increasing, nearly everybody should consider installing a security film on their windows. Windows are the most vulnerable area of a home.  Most of the crimes committed, the access is usually gained through a window especially a first-floor window if it’s a business premise.

Again, a lot people nowadays prefer their windows to have a lot of glass because they believe that it makes the house look more beautiful. And so you should consider having a security film on your windows.

Having security film on windows helps with the following;

Protection from accidental injury

Security film offers protection from broken glass when accidents occur. Accidents like storm, earthquake, or just a glass breakage can cause the glass to break and shatter. These shattered pieces can cause serious injury.

The security film is engineered with powerful adhesives, so they keep the pieces together and safely attached to the film.

It enhances your safety

Glasses are usually the target of burglars because they can smash them and gain entry easily. With security film, it’s hard to break, even if it’s hit by a heavy object. They come in different thickness; manufacturers recommend a thickness of up to 100-micrometer film. So even if a burglar tries to break in, the sound can be heard.

Protects you from the UV rays

The dangers of UV rays to the skin is all known. UV rays are not only dangerous to the skin, but they can also damage the interiors of your home. The rays can make your cabinets, furnishings, flooring, and drapes fade faster more than the other areas that are not exposed to the direct UV rays.

The security film windows block over 99 percent of the UV rays, and because of this, your interiors will be protected against the UV rays, and the damage will be drastically slow.

Removes the bright light

There’s always that one window in a home that brings too much light in the house during a certain time of the day. It can be annoying sometimes. If you add some film to these windows, it will filter the light. This will only allow the perfect amount of light into each room or window without you having to close the shutters, blinds, or drapes.

Energy cost saving

The security film window can block 60-70 percent of the total solar energy entering your windows or rooms; this can cause a reduction in the cost of electricity because most of the times you’ll be using the solar light during daytime.

It reduces the glare

Nobody wants a glare on their television during a movie or a game. A security film window can block 50-60 percent of the glare, which will make you relax better and enjoy your movie or game.

It’s cost-effective

The film is less expensive compared to tempered glass. If you are building a house or replacing the windows, then you decide to purchase a tempered glass, the cost will be much more than if you purchase the film. Security film windows are stronger than the tempered ones, so it’s a win-win situation.

Apart from these two factors, many other options are also there through which one can identify the fraud companies. Make some effort to visit the office of the company in person to check out the existence of the company.

Remember locksmiths mainly deal with the safety of the house, so it is important to make the decision after having enough considerations in different stages. Following the tips discussed can also help to make a difference and choosing a professional company with great knowledge and experience in offering the same.

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